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To Whom it May Concern, It is with pleasure and gratitude that we share comments on our experience with JoAnn Heller in the listing and sale of our home in Monroe, Michigan. While we have bought and sold a number of houses over the years, we have never before encountered such a level of excellence and professionalism. I now live in Houston, Texas and selling a home in another state can sometimes be a daunting task. However, JoAnn worked diligently with us through the listing/sale and made the process easy. The experience at each phase of the sales effort was superior, such as innovative efforts in developing prospects, effective showings, assisting with finding qualified maintenance repair personnel and proactive facilitation during the sale negotiations and due diligence. All of these tasks, whether business-related or interpersonal, were accomplished with a noticeable degree of competence, humility, integrity professionalism and grace. Thus, we highly recommend JoAnn Heller for anyone who is either looking to buy or list a home for sale in Monroe, Michigan. Respectfully, David and Angelica